Roman Loyola

Roman Loyola

Senior Editor

Roman has covered technology since the early 1990s. His career started at MacUser, and he's worked for MacAddict, Mac|Life, and TechTV.

Articles by Roman Loyola

Podcast: New MacBook Air, iPads, and more coming this month

Podcast: New MacBook Air, iPads, and more coming this month

Apple just released a MacBook Air update, but what else can we expect this month? In this episode of the Macworld Podcast, we talk about the very busy spring season that Apple has in store.
2 days ago
Podcast: iOS 18, iPad, and Apple Ring rumors!

Podcast: iOS 18, iPad, and Apple Ring rumors!

A lot of rumors have been running through the mill, and we’re going to discuss what seems feasible, what seems unlikely, and more in this episode of the Macworld Podcast!
1 week ago